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Bianca Censori

Kanye Fans Just Heard Bianca Censori's Voice For The First Time -- And Are FREAKING OUT!

The World Just Heard Bianca Censori's Voice For The First Time -- And 'Shocked' Fans Are FREAKING OUT About It!

She speaks! She really speaks!

Can you believe that in all this time we’ve been covering Kanye West‘s wife Bianca Censori, and the duo’s endless antics, we haven’t heard her SPEAK?? We’re always reading about how Ye loves her personality, how she gets him — but have you heard her talk? Ever?? We’re racking our brains on this one, but we can’t come up with anything! And fans on social media can’t either — until now!!

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On Wednesday, Reddit users flocked to a clip of Bianca speaking on video back during the December 2022 CFS Summit held in Paris and worldwide via virtual video-conferencing. The actual clip itself isn’t controversial or crazy or anything. It’s simply a 28-second video of the Australian-born architectural designer explaining her background and her work with the Yeezy brand!

The exciting thing is, she’s TALKING! You can hear her speak as she says:

“I’m an architectural designer from Melbourne, Australia. I currently reside in Los Angeles, and I’m a lead architectural designer at Yeezy. In my time there, I have had the pleasure of being able to work with designers like James Turrell, Valerio Olgiati, and Vincent Van Duysen. My passion for architecture lies in fabrication, conceptualizing the future of built space and exploring the bridge between the physical and the meta.”

You can watch the resurfaced clip of the 29-year-old speaking for yourself via Instagram (below):

Simple, straightforward, and TBH… kinda boring! LOLz! But it was a conference about architecture and design, so it wasn’t going to be controversial. It’s not like she was going to talk about Hitler having good ideas or something insane like that.

The craziness came in the fan reactions to this newly revealed vid! In the thread where it was posted on Reddit, users flocked to offer up their “shocked” reactions to hearing Bianca’s voice and Australian accent! Here are just a few of the online opinions (below):

“I am shocked she’s Australian”

“Oh, she sounds normal. the LA valley girl uptalk has gotten to her a bit, but aside from that she sounds normal”

“I really wasn’t prepared for her voice. There’s nothing wrong with it, but idk, I guess I thought she’d sound different? I’m not even sure what I was expecting tbh”

“She actually has a voice…”

“She sounds like a typical Melbourner.”

“I had no idea she was Australian (?) I never heard her speak before lol. I just assumed she was american”

“It’s wild that this is the first time hearing her voice. I’ve seen more parts of that body than I have some people I’ve slept with, but that’s the first I’ve ever heard her talk??”

Ha!! That last comment is kinda true, honestly — and only emphasizes how much Kanye is putting his wife’s body on display, without introducing the world to any other part of her.

But as for the rest of ’em?! Well… several Redditors noted their surprise at hearing Bianca’s Aussie upbringing come through in her voice. One even wrote that Ye’s wife “didn’t give off the vibe” of being raised Down Under. Huh?? Which vibe is that?! Were they expecting Bindi Irwin?! Or Iggy Azalea?? LOLz!

Regardless, the shock at hearing Bianca’s voice for the first time sadly points to how much her public presence has been controlled by Ye. Insiders have been coming out recently to make it seem like Censori is on board with these antics — and even supposedly pulling the strings behind the scenes. Who knows? It’s not like we’ve heard that from HER! Reactions, y’all?? Share ’em in the comments (below)!

[Image via MEGA/WENN]

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Mar 28, 2024 12:20pm PDT