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U2 Has To Postpone Tonight Show Residency After Bono Gets Into A Biking Accident!

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U2 was supposed to start their week-long residency on The Tonight Show this week…
But now things have been postponed! Nooooo! What happened??
Bono had a bike accident!! The band released a statement on their website:

“It looks like we will have to do our Tonight Show residency another time├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥we’re one man down. Bono has injured his arm in a cycling spill in Central Park and requires some surgery to repair it. We’re sure he’ll make a full recovery soon, so we’ll be back! Much thanks to Jimmy Fallon and everyone at the show for their understanding.”

Oh no! Poor Bono! We hope he’s alright!
So far, it’s not known who will take the band’s place.
We know for sure it won’t be Metallica at least, as they’re doing their own week-long residency on Craig Ferguson’s talk show. So, that sorta helps narrow things down a little bit (not really). LOLz!
[ Related: Bono Explains Real Reason He Wears Shades All The Time! ]
What’s nuts is just last week a hatch blew out on Bono’s private plane! Thankfully, only The Edge was sucked out. JK! No one was injured!
But seriously, that’s crazy! Is someone out there trying to get Bono? Let’s hope his bad luck runs out soon!
We can’t imagine a world without Bono! U1 just doesn’t have the same ring to it… LOLz!

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Nov 17, 2014 18:28pm PDT