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Bret Michaels

Bret Michaels Concerned About Diabetic Daughter

Bret Michaels Concerned About Diabetic Daughter

But he’s doing his best to give her a great life!

Bret Michaels recently talked about how he’s working to make sure his daughter’s life isn’t negatively affected by diabetes.

Said Michaels:

“We are doing everything we can to support her in leading a normal, healthy, active life. I’m trying to be a good role model for her.”

He continued:

“What I want to do is to show her day in, day out, that diabetes doesn’t have to deter her from her dreams. And if she ever feels like she can’t do something because of her diabetes, that’s when I’ll feel like I’ve let her down.”

Keep it up, Michael — with your continual support she can do anything!

[Image via Ramey Pix.]

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Mar 29, 2011 10:30am PDT

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