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Bristol Palin

Bristol Palin's Creepy Stalker Pops The Question!

And she said YES…
To filing a temporary restraining order! HA!
Dancing With The Stars reject Bristol Palin apparently has a VERY scurrry stalker who has sent her a marriage proposal complete with a sparkling ring!
39-year-old Texan Michael Cummings also sent Bristol a note reading “I (heart) you” AND was seen hanging around her mother Sarah Palin‘s home during Tripp‘s fourth birthday on December 27th.
AND Cummings’ MOTHER even called the police warning them about her “unstable son” and how he was in town to SEE Bristol!
Mz. Palin is seeking a more permanent protection order against the odd individual.
We guess Bristol really wasn’t feeling the cut of his creepy, stalkerific diamonds…
[Image via WENN.]

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Jan 03, 2013 14:51pm PDT