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Candis Cayne & Gigi Gorgeous Call Out Donald Trump For Rolling Back Protections For Transgender Children!

Donald Trump
Two steps forward, a million steps back.
As we reported on Wednesday night, Donald Trump shocked the nation when he withdrew federal protection for transgender students. Previously, under Barack Obama‘s administration (miss you), students were allowed to use whichever restroom corresponded to their identified sex.
Even Caitlyn Jenner is speaking out against the “disaster”! Gasp!
Former I Am Cait star Candis Cayne and YouTube sensation Gigi Gorgeous, who are both transgender, are the latest celebs to put in their two cents about this immoral bullshit.
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The 45-year-old told People:

“We’ve had this struggle for years. It’s always been two steps forward, one step back. Our community has been blessed that we were in the Obama era where they respected civil rights and that our community mattered ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ that we deserved to live just like everyone else. This is going to be another fight for at least four more years and we are going to really have our wits about us.”

Gigi added of her reaction:

“I was absolutely devastated that Trump decided to step back all the work that Obama did. We’d come so far. Trans kids were seeing love and support where they needed it. They needed to feel welcome in their schools and it really disappoints me that we’re back at square one in a lot of places after putting in so much work.”

Both celebs recalled the battles they faced growing up not feeling safe simply using the bathroom.
Miz Cayne explained:

“I held my pee and it distracted me. I didn’t go to the bathroom because I was afraid I’d be beat up. I finally found a teacher who gave me access to a private bathroom and finally was able to go to school without living in fear … It’s just silly that we’re actually talking about bathroom use. This is the fight that we have to talk about? It’s a fundamental thing. Every person has to go to the bathroom and when you eliminate rights that are just normal for human beings, it takes away an ability for people to just live.”

The 24-year-old social media maven — who was detained in Dubai in August for being transgender — shared her own story:

“Growing up I always had to wonder if I was welcome and safe in the bathroom that I felt I should be using. Everyone should be able to go to the bathroom in a safe space. Trans kids are dealing with enough already and ultimately this is just creating a distraction that is going to keep them from concentrating on what they should be, which is their education.”

These inspiring stars went on to add messages of solidarity and calls to action.
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Candis said:

“To all those trans kids and their parents, you are not alone. Not all of us are living in places where things are as bad, but we all hear you and see you and feel your pain and will fight with you to get you the fundamental rights you deserve. We’re a small community and we need the entire LGBT community to rally around us ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ and anyone else who has had any civil rights issues. In this new political era, we need to focus on coming together as one community.”

And Miz Gorgeous finished:

“I hope all people ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ trans or not ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ stay strong and realize they have just as much self-worth as anyone else. It’s sad that this administration is making it seem like some people are lesser than others. I’ve gone through struggle, not just as a transgender woman but as a human being. We all suffer and struggle and we need to learn to embrace what makes us the same and make life better for everyone. We need to stand up and fight.”

[Image via Brian To/Ivan Nikolov/WENN.]

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Feb 24, 2017 10:51am PDT