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These Stars Have Some Sticky Fingers! Celebs Who Have Shoplifted!

There are some seriously sneaky celebs in Hollywood!
Apparently you can never be too famous to have sticky fingers!!
Everyone knows that celebrities live an incredibly lavish life filled with plenty of free crap and gift bags STUFFED with items they will never use in a million years!
But despite all of the goodies that get thrown their way, some celebrities can’t help but grab a little extra on the side, and let’s just say their methods aren’t always legal!
In fact, there are a TON of celebs who have either been caught in the act or have admitted to shoplifting at some point in their lives!
So here’s a shout out to all of the sneaky stars who’ve swiped some swag from the shelves!
CLICK HERE to see “Celebs Who Have Shoplifted!”
CLICK HERE to see “Celebs Who Have Shoplifted!”
CLICK HERE to see “Celebs Who Have Shoplifted!”
CLICK HERE to see “Celebs Who Have Shoplifted!”
CLICK HERE to see “Celebs Who Have Shoplifted!”

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Apr 02, 2015 14:14pm PDT

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