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Celine Dion

Celine Dion Recalls The Tragic Moment She Learned Of René Angélil's Passing

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René Angélil
‘s death is still very raw for Celine Dion.
Just months after Ren├â┬⌐ passed away from cancer on January 14, Celine spoke to People Magazine about the moment she learned of her beloved husband’s death. Obviously the conversation was heartbreaking and emotional for Dion to relive despite her resolve to stay strong for her three sons.
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In the singer’s sad recollection, she remembers speaking to her husband the night prior to his death. As per usual, the two exchanged “I love yous” and the beauty recalls feeling like nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
Unfortunately, Celine woke up to R.A.’s nurse confirming that he had passed:

“I closed the door, so the children wouldn’t sense anything. I got on my knees and I kissed him. It was the coldest thing I’ve ever experienced in my life, but it was amazing. I said, ‘Promise me not to worry. I’m fine, the kids are great, we’re gonna be okay. It’s enough suffering. Just go in peace.'”

Wow. What an intense and moving moment. We’re glad the mother was able to have that personal time with Ren├â┬⌐ before he was taken away.
Even though the musician was able to maintain composure for those few moments, she broke down when medics escorted the 73-year-old’s body out of their home:

“When they took him away, I chased the truck a little, like it was my kids going to school for the first day.”

What an emotional punch to the gut. We can’t even imagine how painful that experience must have been for the Canadian — she was married to the mogul for 22 years, after all.
Stay strong, Celine.
[Image via Bauer Griffin Online.]

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May 17, 2016 16:46pm PDT

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