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Chad Michael Murray Is A Southland Cop! Check Out His 'Stache Badge HERE!

Well THIS is a far cry from Lucas Scott on One Tree Hill!
Who knew that a little facial hair could make such a drastic – and admittedly, kind of SEKSI – difference?!
Chad Michael Murray has finally found some work since departing the aforementioned, now-canceled CW series. He’ll be starring alongside fellow teen-drama alum Ben MacKenzie on the upcoming season of Southland, set to premiere on February 13th on TNT…and he’ll apparently be playing one SERIOUSLY ‘stached officer of the law…as you can see for yourself (above)!
According to the actor, who will appear in the first two episodes as a guest star:

“Mendoza’s a free spirit who doesn’t take anything too seriously. He even gets the uptight Ben Sherman [Ben McKenzie] to relax a bit.”

Hell to the YES!
We appreciate any man who’s enough of a free spirit to RAWK such a DELICIOUSLY ’70s gay porn star-style fuzz!
Consider us TUNED IN for your return to the small screen, boy!
Yes, yes, and YES!
[Image via TNT.]

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Dec 26, 2012 23:01pm PDT

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