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Chaz Bono

Chaz Bono Shedding The Pounds!

Chaz Bono Shedding Weight For Good 25 pounds
What is that we see??
It that a slimmer version of Chaz Bono?? It is! TWENY-FIVE pounds slimmer, to be exact!!
And, according to Chaz, that’s not the end of it — here’s what a source close to Chaz has to say:

“Chaz has tried everything to slim down in the past, but now he’s finally seeing results and he couldn’t be happier. He’s telling everyone that this time will be different because he’s committed to listening to his doctors. But the real key to his weight loss may be his motivation – he wants to find a life partner.”

Awwww! So fab!
We hope he finds one — but we don’t want him to think that the only way to get one is to be slim! Losing the weight should be a personal reason, not to please someone else!
Chaz even announced he wanted to be held accountable for his weight and sought the help of Dr. Travis Stork and Dr. Lisa Masterson:

“I’m just eating too much. My portion control is just not where it should be. This is really hard for me, and this is an issue that I don’t talk about with people because it’s so personal. I also kind of hope that the pressure of doing something publicly will give me a little bit more incentive.”

You can do it, Chaz! We believe in you!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jan 14, 2013 20:31pm PDT

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