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Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy Teigen Reveals She Still Wants More Kids After Pregnancy Loss

Chrissy Teigen More Kids Pregnancy Loss People Magazine

Chrissy Teigen may be off Twitter, but in the new issue of People, she’s opening up like she never could in 280 characters.

The Cravings cookbook author covered the annual “Beautiful Issue” along with her momma and two children, Luna, 4, and Miles, 2, and the entire profile became a celebration of life and family.

Related: The Real Reason Chrissy Left Twitter

Speaking about first having children, Chrissy gushes:

“The life we had was fantastic before, but the life we have now is like… unimaginable. It’s just so much fun, they bring so much life and joy into our house.”

She also says about John Legend as a father:

“I thought I knew everything about John, and then [we] had children. Seeing him take care of them is beautiful. Seeing my partner be a father is really wonderful.”


On parenting she said:

“I’m an open, free spirit and I love kids to be kids. For us, kindness is such a big thing. When you meet our kids, they’re very warm and friendly. You instill those things in them, but for the most part let them be creative and wondrous and spirited and curious beings.”

She also references taking lessons from her momma, Vilailuck “Pepper” Teigen, who also joins her on a cover shot:

“My mom was never once like, ‘You probably shouldn’t use Sharpie on your eyebrows.’ She just let me do it, and I learned! With kids, you let them figure out what they love. John and I are both very relaxed and willing to learn together.”

Looking forward, Chrissy hopes her children are as close to her as she is to her mom:

“I really look forward to our children being hopefully the type of kids that come over every weekend for Sunday dinner. That would be incredibly meaningful to me. I will be so happy seeing my family all around the same table.”

Of course, the family’s perfect life was dealt a devastating blow last year when Chrissy suffered a “partial placental abruption” and lost her child. This was so late in the pregnancy, they had already named their little boy: Jack.

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend suffer pregnancy loss

Chrissy reveals to People the unique way they’re keeping Jack’s memory alive every day in their home, saying:

“It’s important for us, tradition-wise, in Thai tradition we always embrace the ones that we’ve lost. They’re never ever gone, they’re constantly around us. And we have this new home that we’re building and this tree being planted inside the home.”

She then self-effacingly laughed:

“…which is very relatable, everyone has an indoor tree”

Before continuing:

“But the whole reason why I wanted it was so Jack’s ashes could be in that soil and he could be with us all the time and grow through the beautiful leaves in this tree and always be a part of us because he is always going to be. He wasn’t just a moment in time. He was real, and he was real to us and we loved him.”

What a beautiful way of honoring Jack! We really love that!

On the reaction she has received after going public with the heartbreaking news, she says it has actually been overwhelmingly positive:

“Seeing people rally around us has been really beautiful. There have been things in the past year that I never thought John would have to see, but it’s also been so wonderful that we have prevailed and still see each other with so much more love than we could have ever, ever imagined ever in our lives. Whatever love we put out into the world 10 years ago, we’re getting it back tenfold. I feel every piece of love from everybody around the world.”

That’s so sweet! But in the biggest little bombshell of the interview, she said the couple are actually still thinking about having more children! Talking about her kids, she said:

“I can’t imagine a life without them, I just cannot. And I can’t imagine a life without more, honestly, so… we’ll see!”

Wow! Back in 2017, Chrissy revealed on Twitter that the baby who would be Jack was the last embryo she had left after years of struggling through the in vitro fertilization process, writing:

“I said our next baby would be a boy because that is the embryo we have left.”

So does this mean they’re considering a surrogate? Adoption? More IVF? We’ll have to wait and see, but whatever happens we wish Chrissy — and her big, beautiful family — all the best! Ch-ch-check out more from her People cover interview (below)!

[Image via Chrissy Teigen/Instagram.]

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Mar 31, 2021 13:11pm PDT