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Christopher Ameruoso's Holiday PSA For Last Chance For Animals

The holidays are a great time to give and receive gifts to and from our loved ones.
Some people see it as an opportunity to outdo themselves every year.
But just because someone will flip out and love getting a puppy as a gift, no one thinks about what happens when that puppy becomes a dog.
And then starts costing money: food, vet bills, carpet steaming services (you know what we’re talking about.)
So Christopher Ameruoso made the above PSA for Last Chance For Animals.
You wouldn’t surprise a friend by adopting a child for them, would you? Because gifting a dog is basically the legal equivalent except with an even cuter adoptee.
Stick to bad sweaters and last minute sharper image gadgets this holiday season.

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Dec 13, 2011 10:00am PDT

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