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Citadel Military College Cadets Suspended For KKK-Like Christmas Costumes -- See What The School Said!

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Is this really happening in 2015?
Eight cadets from South Carolina’s Citadel have been suspended from the military college after photos surfaced online of them wearing white hoods reminiscent to the Ku Klux Klan.
According to reports, the cadets wore pillow cases over their heads and all-white clothing while singing Christmas carols as part of a “Ghosts of Christmas Past” skit.
But after the photos surfaced online, they were seen as the more appropriate “Racists of Christmas Present!”
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College president John Rosa, a retired Air Force lieutenant general, called the photos “offensive and disturbing,” saying:

“These images are not consistent with our core values of honor, duty and respect.”

The seven hood-wearing students were reportedly underclassmen taking part it some sort of hazing ritual. Those seven, plus the individual in blue, who Rosa identified as an upperclassmen cadet, have been suspended by school officials.
The photos were shared to Facebook late Wednesday night, after a woman was approached by a guy on Snapchat who allegedly told her “I always wanted a black girl.”
In the post, the woman detailed that she stopped replying to the guy’s advances, but looked at his Snapchat story on her feed to find the photos and clips of the cadets singing and laughing — while dressed like the white supremacist group!
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Dr. Lamont Melvin, chairman of the Citadel Minority Alumni Association, released a statement citing how this disgusting ritual is only a part of a larger problem in the school! He said:

“This is not the first, second or third time that racially charged events have been documented to have occurred at The Citadel…It’s a cultural issue and it must be addressed and it must end now. When racist acts occur on campus, ALL students, black and white should feel the same degree of outrage that we do. As minority alumni and wearers of the ring, we expect The Citadel to carry out the core values of creating principled leaders├óΓé¼┬ªnot racist leaders.”

While this realization shined an ugly light on the institution, it can also be a time for the students to really think about their traditions and start living in the 21st century.
Hopefully this awful ritual is never done again, and the students all learn their lesson.
[Image via Facebook.]

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Dec 10, 2015 17:20pm PDT