HUGE congrats to Claire Danes!!!
The Homeland actress is expecting again, first revealing that she’s pregnant on Howard Stern‘s SiriusXM radio show early Wednesday morning!
Related: Get More Claire Danes News HERE
It’ll be the second child for the 39-year-old with her husband, Hugh Dancy, as the actress revealed just a little bit of detail about the bun in the oven, telling Howard:
“I am pregnant. I’m seriously prego ├óΓé¼┬ª I’m deep into my second trimester.”
There’s one thing Danes won’t yet reveal to the public — the child’s gender — but you can hear her discuss the pregnancy more during her interview with Stern (below):
So wonderful! And so psyched for the happy family!
Can’t wait to learn more when this little bundle of joy arrives — won’t be long now!!
[Image via Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN.]