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Cristiano Ronaldo

Crissy Ronaldo Totals Ferrari, Miraculously Walks Away From Accident Unscathed


We’re glad he’s OK!

On Thursday morning, Manchester United superstar, the hottness that is Cristiano Ronaldo, completely wrecked his $300K Ferrari in a Manchester Airport tunnel.

He apparently lost control of the car in the tunnel, hit the wall and sent parts of the barrier separating the two-way tunnel across lanes.

Ronnie, surprisingly, was able to get himself out of that mangled mess!

A witness said, ├óΓé¼┼ôRonaldo was just standing at the side of the road looking forlorn and bewildered.”

And after the crash madness, Ronnie attended a Manchester United practice session!

What dedication.

Someone’s guardian angel worked overtime today!

[Ronnie image via WENN. Crash image via AP.]

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Jan 08, 2009 12:30pm PDT

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