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Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo Gets His Facial Fitness On In Weird Japanese Commercial!

cristiano ronaldo weird facial exercise japanese ad
It’s always so funny to see a big A-list celebrity, whether actor, athlete or otherwise, starring in a weird Japanese commercial.
Cristiano Ronaldo starred in one recently and we had no idea this was even a thing.
Apparently, facial fitness is something people in Japan are interested in, and Ronaldo is here to sell them some robo bird face worker outer.
The ad has a super catchy tune and shows Ronaldo juggling a soccer ball for a little.
Then comes the flappy robo bird thing. Everyone is holding it in their mouth as it flaps, working their jaw muscles.
Everyone except Ronaldo! Did he really refuse to put the robo thing in his mouth and just half-ass this sponsorship?? Come on, Ronaldo, just open wide and let it inside, trust us, you’ll probably love it. LOLz!
Check out the video (below) to see Ronaldo’s weird Japanese commercial!

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Aug 07, 2014 18:02pm PDT