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Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato Announces That She's Back To Work! But On What?

How mysterious!
We wonder what she’s up to!
Demi Lovato has been slowly re-acclimating to life after rehab after leaving the facility just a few months ago, but today she announced via Twitter that she is finally going back to work! But what that may mean is still a secret!
She wrote:

First day back to working.. I can’t wait to share with you guys what I’m doing today.. It’s a big day for me.. So excited! I love you all!!!

While many have speculated that she’ll be returning to her Disney show Sonny With A Chance, a rep for the network says:

“Demi’s management will inform us when she is ready to return to work. As you know, last November, we announced that we would focus on our So Random sketch comedy show (the show within Sonny With a Chance) to keep the staff, cast and crew employed. We began production in January and will debut those episodes this spring.”

Hmmm…gurl, spill the deets then!
Perhaps she’s agreed to work on that collaboration that Timbaland wanted to do with her! We hope so!
Either way – we’re glad to hear that you’re ready to work again, but don’t pile on too much too soon! Take your time – your fans to see you healthy first, working second!
Welcome back!
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[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 22, 2011 22:30pm PDT

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