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Donald Sterling Suing NBA For ONE BILLION Dollars; Does The Racist Owner Have A Case?!

donald sterling planning billion dollar lawsuit nba damages violation constitutional rights
Just when you thought America’s most reviled man couldn’t get any more unlikable!!
Donald Sterling, a.k.a. the horrifically racist owner of the El Lay Clippers, announced plans to file a lawsuit against the NBA and will be seeking $1 billion in damages.
Wait, what?! A billion buckaroonies?? $1,000,000,000!???
Wowie-zowie!! We haven’t seen this many zeroes since TNT re-ran Ben Affleck‘s box office bomb, Pearl Harbor.
We understand he’s upset his team has ostensibly been taken from him, but it was for the super mean stuff he said — why would the undeniably prejudiced octogenarian feel the National Basketball League owes him so much cash?
Well, his lawyer Mark Blecher explained:

├óΓé¼┼ôThe [termination] charges in the lawsuit are an invasion of his constitutional rights, violation of anti-trust laws, breach of fiduciary duty and breach of contract.”

Yikes! Talk about a full court press!
Lawsuits aside, it’s been a busy 48-hours for the Sterling family.
On Thursday his wife already sold the Clippers to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer for $2 billion.
Earlier Friday news came out that Donald was reportedly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease earlier this month.
Do U think the racist basketball team owner has a solid case in court?
[Image via AP Images.]

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May 30, 2014 18:51pm PDT