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Apprentice Cast & Crew Reveal Disgusting Sexual Remarks Donald Trump Made To Female Contestants Over The Years!

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Just in case anyone still thinks Donald Trump isn’t a totally disgusting human being and an embarrassing option for President of the United States, The Associated Press went ahead and reveal all the demeaning, sexist sh*t the GOP candidate said to female contestants on The Apprentice.
The AP spoke to 20 past contestants, staffers, and editors, who described the cross comments the reality TV host made to the women involved with the popular program.
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For example, eight different crew members all recalled how the New York native “made lewd comments” complimenting a camerawoman’s butt.
They said he even compared her looks to Ivanka Trump‘s, and we all know he has a tendency to grossly objectify his own daughter’s appearance.
Contestant Gene Folkes also recalled that Donald asked female contestants to show more cleavage and wear shorter skirts.
Not to mention, multiple cast members remembered how he made one female contestant twirl in front of him so he could check her out.
Not only is this wildly disgusting, it’s also incredibly creepy.
Plus, season 4 winner Randal Pinkett mentioned how the businessman would always talk about which women on the show he wanted to sleep with, despite his recent marriage to Melania Trump.
He spilled:

“He was like ‘Isn’t she hot, check her out,’ kind of gawking, something to the effect of ‘I’d like to hit that.'”

But, sadly, there are still more horror stories.
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A former crew member, who wanted to remain anonymous, even recalled this cringeworthy moment on the show:

“We were in the boardroom one time figuring out who to blame for the task, and he just stopped in the middle and pointed to someone and said, ‘You’d f*ck her, wouldn’t you? I’d f*ck her. C’mon, wouldn’t you?’ Everyone is trying to make him stop talking, and the woman is shrinking in her seat.”

Ex-producer Katherine Walker was with the show for five seasons and said Donald would constantly comment on women’s bodies — and wonder aloud who would be “a tiger in bed.”
He also once asked Katherine which contestant to fire, and the producer replied that there was one in particular causing an issue for their team.
She says Mr. Trump took the opportunity to comment on a cast member’s breast size:

“He said, ‘You mean the one with the’ ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ and he puts his hands out in a gesture to signal the girl with the giant boobs. He didn’t even know her name”

Kristi Frank was fired that episode, and said the real estate mogul’s creepy comments didn’t go unnoticed:

“I thought he noticed my hard work, but I guess he didn’t. It makes me a little sick. It’s kind of sweet, but it makes me feel like ‘OK, he’s checking me out again.'”

Another anonymous crew member also described how Donald would ask male contestants to comment on their female competitors’ looks:

“If there was a break in the conversation, he would then look at one of the female cast members, saying ‘you’re looking kind of hot today, I love that dress on you,’ then he would turn to one of the male cast members and say ‘wouldn’t you sleep with her?’ and then everyone would laugh. There would be about 10 or 12 cameras rolling and getting that footage, which is why everybody was like, this guy just doesn’t care.”

Gene added how he’d force the men to rate the women’s appearances:

“If you didn’t answer, he would dig in and say, ‘Do you think so and so is attractive? Would you sleep with her? Well, what about if you really had to, would you?’ It was so bizarre, because he (otherwise) seemed so professional.”

Gene recalled that he also “asked one of the women their breast size at one point, or said, ‘are those real or natural?'”
We have no words for how upsetting and uncalled for that is.
This is someone you wouldn’t invite to a house party, and he’s trying to be the leader of the free world??
For what it’s worth, Trump’s camp issued a statement SLAMMING the stories:

“These outlandish, unsubstantiated, and totally false claims fabricated by publicity hungry, opportunistic, disgruntled former employees, have no merit whatsoever. The Apprentice was one of the most successful prime-time television shows of all time and employed hundreds of people over many years, many of whom support Mr. Trump’s candidacy.”

You can read the full interview — packed with creepy, cringeworthy comments — here. What do U think of all this, Perezcious readers?!

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Oct 03, 2016 15:25pm PDT