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Donald Trump

Claudia Conway Now Says Trump Is 'Not Doing Better' -- Docs Are Just Trying To 'Stabilize Him'

Claudia Conway is revealing the insider info on Donald Trump's REAL coronavirus condition... maybe!

Claudia Conway is at it again on TikTok, telling the world what nobody else will about Donald Trump‘s alleged condition as the President continues to battle the coronavirus.

Of course, Trump is back in the White House now following a brief stay at Walter Reed Medical Center over the weekend immediately after he was first diagnosed with the illness. But just because the Commander-in-Chief is back in his own personal quarters doesn’t mean he’s out of danger yet from COVID-19 — at least, so says famed GOP political operative Kellyanne Conway‘s teenage daughter.

Related: Trump Accused Of Staged ‘Work’ Pics To Show Progress While Hospitalized!

The younger Conway trended on Twitter for much of Monday evening after she purported to share some insider information about how Trump is “not doing better” and actually doing “badly” while continuing to battle the sickness.

It’s big (alleged) news because if true, it’s the exact opposite of what Trump himself has been telling the world.

Case in point: this potentially reckless tweet from yesterday afternoon (below)…


“Don’t be afraid of Covid.”??? Easy (and dangerous) for you to say as a rich, powerful, well-connected person!!!

Related: Celebs React To Trump’s Disastrous First Debate Performance!

So now, despite Claudia’s age, eagle-eyed followers are wondering whether she’s got the real inside track on POTUS’ actual health status in light of her mother’s experience on the President’s staff. These TikTok screenshots (below), in which she writes the Prez is “doing badly” and “they are doing what they can to stabilize him,” went viral and raised eyebrows:

Claudia Conway exposing donald trump's health
(c) Claudia Conway/TikTok

In other messages on the social media site, she also confirmed her own COVID-19 diagnosis, having likely gotten the virus from her mom, which had been reported late last week by news outlets.

To be fair to Claudia — and potentially helping to confirm her allegations — other social media users have noticed that Trump’s breathing doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.

To wit:

Does that look like a healthy man??

Still other Twitter users are combing through Claudia’s full TikTok library and finding other interesting tidbits related to the COVID-19 spread sweeping through Trump’s White House right now. One person called the teenager the “supreme whistleblower of our time” for sharing (alleged) information otherwise unreleased by the administration:

Kellyanne has taken to Twitter herself several times in the last 24 hours, too.

At first, she appeared to attempt to clarify the timeline of her own COVID testing so as to try to defend herself against allegations that she didn’t tell Claudia she tested positive:

And not even a full hour later, Kellyanne attempted to minimize her daughter’s viral speculation and call out social media users for spreading all of the alleged insider info:

Just keep spinnin’, Kellyanne. Just like your day job! LOLz!!!

On a more serious note, it’s unclear what the status is as far as Claudia’s relationship with her mother right now. A tweeter captured a video clip in which she appeared to walk back some of her accusations against the political operative regarding the coronavirus diagnosis:

Another user alleged Claudia was using TikTok’s live streaming function as a way to protect herself from her mother, while “speaking in code” about the ordeal to followers:


What do U make of all this drama, Perezcious readers? Is Claudia truly the whistleblower of our time, armed with insider info and intent on being the only person in Trump World who will tell the truth about the President’s condition??

Or is this simply a sideshow — and a s**t show — that Kellyanne and her anti-Trump political operative husband George need to get under control ASAP for the good of everybody involved?? Either way, as it turns out, maybe Trump should’ve followed through with that TikTok ban when he had the chance! Ha!!!

Sound OFF about it with your take, down in the comments (below)…

[Image via WENN/Instar/Claudia Conway/Instagram]

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Oct 06, 2020 07:34am PDT