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Donald Trump

Trump Becomes First President In 16 Years Not To Visit The Troops On Christmas -- Instead He Tweeted THIS...

Donald Trump Christmas Tweet

Donald Trump made yet another “unpresidented” move over the holidays, at least as far as recent years.
Since 2002, the POTUS has spent some time during Christmas visiting the troops. Now, after 16 years, the tradition is yet another one killed by Trump.
Related: Trump Alludes To 7-Year-Old There Is No Santa
Drumpf has NEVER visited troops in a war zone, but at least in 2017 he visited some at the hospital.
But this year Cadet Bone Spurs, who once said his ‘personal Vietnam’ was dodging STDs from the ‘potential landmines’ that are vaginas, stayed home.
Instead he tweeted this:

What kind of person acts this way on Christmas???
Ugh. We really did elect our worst person…
[Image via Gisele Tellier/Future Image/WENN.]

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Dec 26, 2018 11:07am PDT

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