Well, it was only a matter of time before the big reveal part of this magic act, right?
David Copperfield has been accused a couple times previously of sexual misconduct. The first time was way back in 2007 — and he was cleared when the accuser was found to have apparently made false statements against another man. Then it happened again in 2018. The illusionist was accused of having drugged and taken advantage of a 17-year-old girl. He urged everyone at the time not to “rush to judgment.” And they didn’t. The world kind of… forgot.
Then early this year, Copperfield found himself on the list you least want to be on. Turns out he was pals with Jeffrey Epstein! Like Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, and Prince Andrew, he apparently spent lots of time with the underage sex trafficker. In testimony about the case, Epstein assistant/victim Johanna Sjöberg specifically mentioned the magician asking detailed questions about the trafficking, like he was really interested in how it worked. Meaning he knew at least some of what was going on. And unlike Trump and Clinton (so far as we know), Copperfield even spent time on Pedophile Island! In fact, he has his own private island close by — and is said to have gone back and forth a lot!
Like we said, we’ve been waiting for the big reveal since hearing that. And The Guardian US has it…
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In a bombshell investigative report including interviews with over 100 people, as well as reviews of court documents, the paper found accusations of a range of predatory sexual behavior dating back to the ’80s. A total of 16 women told stories about Copperfield, and half of them were teenagers at the time. All met him through his work as a famous entertainer.
Copperfield’s lawyers sent the Guardian a written response to the story, saying he “never acted inappropriately with anyone, let alone anyone underage.”
3 of these incidents were the full Cosby. One woman told the Guardian she went to one of Copperfield’s shows in 1993 and agreed to meet him for a drink afterward. She says he drugged her and a friend — and then had sexual relations with both of them when they were unable to consent. This sounds a lot like the 2018 accusation.
4 accusations were of groping or other sexual touching during his act. Three of the girls were teenagers. In one case, multiple family members of a 15-year-old girl attested they saw him grope her breasts. One woman is on record having told the police in 2014 when the magician grabbed her breasts during his show after inviting her onstage as a volunteer. She told the outlet her case was closed due to “insufficient evidence” — but never really taken seriously in the first place. (Copperfield’s lawyers said claims of misconduct onstage were “not only completely false but also entirely implausible.”)
Other women said their interactions with Copperfield were more involved. In many cases he promised to help them with modeling and other show business careers as a way to keep in touch with them or… *shudder*… their parents. A 15-year-old girl told the outlet she met the magician at his show in 1991, and he got her number. She says he started calling her at night and sent her gifts and tickets to see him. Eventually they had sex — her first time — when she was 18. It was consensual, but she now believes she was groomed. That’s certainly what it sounds like to us…
BTW, Copperfield’s team confirms he had a relationship with the young woman but that everything was legal. He “strongly denies any suggestion of grooming or any other impropriety.” Regarding Epstein, he says he only asked about trafficking because he’d heard a “rumor.” However, he had “no knowledge or belief that anything improper was going on” and therefore had “no reason to contact law enforcement or to raise the matter with others.” Oh, and he didn’t even hang out with Epstein very much. But also he didn’t know anything:
“Our client did not know about Epstein’s horrific crimes. Like the rest of the world, he learned about it from the press.”
Except for that “rumor” right? Mm-hm. At this point we don’t think there’s any “rush to judgment” involved. This is over a dozen women coming forward with stories, and it shows a pretty clear pattern of predatory behavior.
What do YOU think, Perezcious readers??
[Image via Judy Eddy/WENN.]
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