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Trump Can't Stop Losing Manufacturing Council Members After Charlottesville! SAD!

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Remember when Donald Trump told his supporters there would be so much winning, they’d get “tired of winning”? How’s that going?
When it comes to Trump’s manufacturing council, not very well.
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45’s failure to immediately condemn the alt-right Nazis and their violent actions in Charlottesville — and continued failure to call it out as domestic terrorism — has led to a fourth CEO leaving the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative, following execs for Merck, Under Armour, and Intel.
This time it’s Scott Paul of the Alliance For American Manufacturing, a nonprofit founded to help keep manufacturing jobs in the United States, who tweeted:

BTW, Paul is a Democrat who was unhappy with the difference between the trade policies of candidate Barack Obama and President Obama. Clearly he must realize by now that Trump is not the man to help anyone.
Photos: Protesters Flock To Trump Tower After Charlottesville!
How is Trump responding to all these companies publicly shaming him? He called them out as “grandstanders” on Tuesday, tweeting:

Really? All-caps and monosyllabic. He sure knows how to woo his base.
Meanwhile, several companies are staying.
GE, Dow Chemical, Whirlpool, Campbell Soup, International Paper, and Nucor all released statements condemning racism and intolerance — but said essentially that their participation on the council was too important to quit in protest. (Dell just said there was “no change” to its status quo with Trump.)
This is the same problem as with Republicans during the election. Everyone is fine condemning the consistently awful things Trump says, but they’re too afraid of losing a seat at the table to actually distance themselves from the POTUS.
Well, it’s time to take a stand, boys. Because if you’re not going to expressly denounce this man and his actions, you’re turning a blind eye and letting it happen.
Sound familiar?
[Image via Twitter.]

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Aug 15, 2017 15:13pm PDT