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Donald Trump Starts 'Thank You Tour 2016' By Bullying News Anchor Who Allegedly Cried After Election Results!

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New job, same jackass.
Unsurprisingly, Donald Trump is taking some time to boast about his Presidential victory with his “Thank You Tour 2016” and Wednesday night he kicked things off in Cincinnati, Ohio!
Now that the p*ssy grabbing Twitter troll is our next POTUS, we hoped Donald would show a little bit of class and stop bullying people — sadly, we didn’t actually expect that would ever happen!
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It didn’t take long for the former Celebrity Apprentice star to look like his old campaigning self as he took an opportunity during the rally to SLAM ABC anchor Martha Raddatz for allegedly crying after Hillary Clinton lost the election!
The 70-year-old racist Republican stated:

“How about when a major anchor who hosted a debate started crying when she realized that we won? How about that?”

First of all, last month an ABC News spokesperson denied Raddatz cried on air and called Trump’s statements “ridiculous and untrue” after the future President mocked her immediately following the election.
And even if she did cry, it’s a normal reaction to watching Clinton, a woman who worked her entire life to try and crack the glass ceiling and become President, fail to a hateful, fear-mongering buffoon! If you didn’t shed a tear for the future of this country, you just weren’t paying attention.
After all, this is an election where human rights could be taken away, she’s not crying over the f*cking Super Bowl. So maybe, for once in your life Donald, you can show an ounce of sensitivity.
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The businessman turned politician also spoke about his plans to unite the parties — HA! — once he takes office:

And I’ve spoken to Democrats. And I’ve said to them, look, we can’t go on with this gridlock. It’s gone on so for so many years. They can’t get together. We’re going to get together. And I believe they want to get together. Do you know why? Because it is time and the people are angry. They are angry. And they are going to get together. We’re going to make joint decisions. We are. And the nice part, our victory was so great, we have the house, we have the senate and we have the president. But we want to get them on board also. People are constantly telling me and telling you to reduce our expectations. Those people are fools. They are fools. But this campaign proved that the old rules no longer apply. That anything we want for our country is now possible. Anything we want. Right? Now is not the time to down size our dreams but to set our sights higher than ever before for our country.”

So somehow “gridlock” falls on the Democrats even though several Republicans repeatedly promised to shut down any legislation proposed by Democrats during Obama’s Presidency without even looking at it. But yeah, the Democrats are the stubborn ones causing gridlock… good one, Donald.
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Drumpf also continued to sound like his old hateful self as he once again claimed:

“On immigration we will restore the sovereignty of the United States. We will restore the sovereignty. We will finally end illegally immigration. Have to. We will construct a great wall at the border. Dismantle the criminal cartels and liberate our communities from the epidemic of gang violence and drugs pouring into our nation.”

Why is he still campaigning??
We guess it’s true; he just really likes holding rallies.
Ch-ch-check out the full speech (below)! If you can stomach it…

[Image via CNN.]

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Dec 02, 2016 10:24am PDT