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Melania Trump

Melania Trump Was 'Relieved' Donald Lost Election, Won't Return To DC!

As Donald Trump Thinks About Running For President Again, Melania Is 'Not One Bit Interested In Another Campaign'

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt January 6th coup attempt to prove it.

Melania Trump is making her feelings known via surrogates close to her right now regarding her husband Donald Trump‘s potential bid for re-election in the 2024 presidential campaign. In fact, just listening to what the insiders have to say, one thing becomes immediately clear: the former First Lady is NOT interested in doing all that again!

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A source spoke to People about Melania’s (lack of) political future, confirming a prior CNN report about how the 51-year-old former White House resident has absolutely no interest in going through the campaign and election process for round two.

The source explained:

“Melania does not like being in the public eye and has made it clear that she isn’t interested in doing it again. She likes family and her private life. The media glare is not for her. She was relieved when her husband’s [first] term ended.”


Sorry, Donald! (It also makes us wonder if Melania low-key voted for Joe Biden in 2020, doing her own small part to get out of the White House! LOLz!) Of course, all this is even contingent on whether The Donald wants to run again. He has broadly suggested to his followers that he might run for re-election, and so, he has been aggressively raising money (of course) in the chance that he does. An insider revealed:

“Nothing has been decided about whether President Trump will run in the next election. At this point it is all speculation. The constant chatter about it gives him the opportunity to raise money, which he is very good at doing.”


Melania could prove to be a major speed-bump in that decision-making process, though, as she “likes her life as it is” living down in Florida at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Resort.

Related: Melania Paints HERSELF As A Victim Of The Capitol Riots! Girl, Seriously?!

And she’s got at least one real, legitimate priority down there, too: son Barron Trump, who just started school at Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach. A “social source” explains Melania’s commitment to educating the couple’s teenage son:

“She is totally involved with Barron’s education, after-school activity and overall well-being. She is not one bit interested in another campaign, and certainly not participating in it. If he runs, I doubt she will be involved at all. If he should win, that would be the worst-case scenario for her. Things will need to be evaluated at such a time.”

Well then. That sounds pretty definitive, doesn’t it?! BTW, Trump winning again in 2024 would be a “worst-case scenario” for ALL of us, not just Melania… What do U think about Melania apparently taking a stand on her husband’s political ambitions, Perezcious readers? Will it make a difference, or will he just do whatever he wants, anyways??

Sound OFF with your take on these two down in the comments (below)…

[Image via WENN/Avalon]

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Sep 09, 2021 11:55am PDT