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Ew Ew Ew! Donald Trump Reportedly Perved Out On Michael Cohen's 15-YEAR-OLD Daughter!

Donald Trump allegedly leered at Michael Cohen's 15-YEAR-OLD daughter! WTF?!

Donald Trump‘s wandering eyes allegedly caught up to him again… and even though we are disgusted by the allegation, we can’t actually be surprised at all anymore, to be honest.

The jaw-dropping news this time comes from Samantha Cohen, the daughter to Donald Trump‘s former personal lawyer and “fixer” Michael Cohen. Yes, that’s the same Michael Cohen who went to prison earlier this year on charges of fraud, tax evasion, campaign finance violations, and lying to Congress, who just so happens to have written a bookDisloyal: A Memoir — about working for Trump that was released to the public last Tuesday.

Related: Miley Cyrus Rips Into Donald Trump’s America!

Cohen himself has been making the media rounds for some time now to promote the book, and on Monday, his daughter Samantha jumped into the mix, sitting down with CNN‘s Alisyn Camerota on New Day to talk about her reaction to her dad’s work. During the interview, Camerota questioned the now-23-year-old Cohen about a very specific story from back in 2012 that her father had written about in the book.

Allegedly, Samantha had been playing tennis at Trump’s property in Bedminster, New Jersey while her father and The Donald were talking off court, according to Cohen’s tale of the incident As the young girl — remember, she was just 15 years old at the time — walked over to her father standing there with Trump after finishing her tennis match, the former Apprentice host couldn’t help himself, according to the book’s passage as reported by Vanity Fair:

“Trump’s attention was diverted to another skirt walking off a tennis court. ‘Look at that piece of a**’ Cohen recalls Trump saying, as he whistled and pointed, ‘I would love some of that.’ It so happened that Trump was referring to Cohen’s then 15-year-old daughter, Samantha. Cohen informed Trump of his mistake.”

Anyone think he apologized and felt mortified like a normal person? LOLz.

“‘That’s your daughter?’ Trump responded. ‘When did she get so hot?’ When Samantha reached her dad, Trump asked her for a kiss on the cheek, before inquiring, ‘When did you get such a beautiful figure?’ and warning her that in a few years, he would be dating one of her friends.”

Ummm… WTF?!?! Who says that about a 15-year-old girl?! And then what the f**k was that comment about dating her friends?? Remember, this alleged incident occurred in 2012, and Trump had married third wife Melania back in 2005, so…

Related: Michael Cohen Did WHAT For The Situation In Prison?!

To this day, Samantha admitted she doesn’t want to believe Trump was hitting on her directly even with those disgusting comments — but she has no doubt about his affinity for younger women. She added:

“I didn’t get the impression that he was hitting on me directly, but I had the impression that he was interested in younger women, and that, you know, women would age out for him, and that when one woman became too old, he’d find a new younger one.”

Ugh! Men…

Camerota and Cohen re-hashed the incident during the interview, with the now 23-year-old woman confirming the story and noting she’d “become desensitized to men making these kinds of comments” about her body and look.

Still, all these years later what is seared into her memory was how “insulting” it was when Trump openly criticized her father right in front of her in the same breath:

“I’m sure many women can relate — you become desensitized to men making these kinds of comments to you, and you allow them to go over your head and you kind of tune out the noise. But what stood out to me in that moment was he said to my dad, ‘Well, there is no way that she got her looks from you. Thank God you married a beautiful woman.’ And I was desensitized to men making creepy comments about me, but I was not desensitized to someone blatantly insulting and degrading my father in front of me, someone who I looked up to and loved very much, and that was very upsetting to me. [I realized that] maybe Trump doesn’t treat my father so well.”

No kidding!!!

Samantha’s full interview with Camerota can be seen (below):


For what it’s worth (which ain’t much!), White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany dismissed all the claims and allegations made in the interview — and in Michael Cohen’s book — when CNN reached out on Monday. Trump’s latest PR mouthpiece told the news outlet:

“Michael Cohen is a disgraced felon and disbarred lawyer, who lied to Congress. He has lost all credibility, and it’s unsurprising to see his latest attempt to profit off of lies.”

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Kayleigh.

Seriously, what do U think about all these new revelations from Cohen’s book and other sources, Perezcious readers? Trump fans are only gonna keep worshipping him no matter what… will stories like Samantha’s tale here ever matter to those GOP voters this November??

We mean, the man BRAGGED to Howard Stern that he purposely walked in on the Miss Teen USA changing room. We already know what a creep he is, and that hasn’t changed a thing. *sigh*

Sound OFF about everything Trump-related and more down in the comments (below)!!!

[Image via TNYF/WENN/Instar & CNN/YouTube]

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Sep 14, 2020 17:17pm PDT