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Donald Trump Uses His Press Conference With Israeli Prime Minister To Talk Michael Flynn's 'Very, Very Unfair' Scandal & Hillary Clinton's 'Terrible Loss'!

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Donald Trump promises we’re “going to see a lot of love” in the United States — and he ain’t talking about pussy grabbing this time! (We hope├óΓé¼┬ª)
The president held a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, and he wanted everyone to know he LOVES the Jews, despite a rise of anti-Semitic incidents since his campaign.
When asked by an Israeli reporter about whether his platform encouraged xenophobia, Trump felt the need to remind everyone that he won 306 electoral votes and fostered “tremendous enthusiasm.”
Related: Twitter Is Throwing A #TrumpImpeachmentParty!
Yeah… but enthusiasm for what, exactly?
POTUS also reminded the press that his daughter Ivanka Trump, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and their three children are Jewish. Oh, thanks!
Speaking on the scandal surrounding Michael Flynn — who resigned after admitting to speaking with Russia about lifting U.S. sanctions — Trump said the national security advisor had been treated very unfairly.
Related: Kellyanne Conway No Longer Welcome On Morning Joe!
Blasting intelligence agencies for the “criminal act” of leaking reports to the press, Drumpf only had sympathy for his former adviser — and blamed the recent leaks on (what else?) Democrats covering for Hillary Clinton‘s “terrible loss.”
Starting to sound like a broken record there, Donny. Maybe this has more to do with agencies wanting to expose your love affair with Russia?
Watch the clips (below) to see Trump get defensive over Flynn — and also promise that he’s gonna fix racism!

[Image via ABC News/Twitter.]

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Feb 15, 2017 16:39pm PDT