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Elephants Have Feelings Too! Scientific Studies Show That Elephants May Show Empathy Towards One Another! AH-MAZING!

elephants show empathy
Elephants are such awesome, majestic, and adorable creatures!
Which is why we’re totally NOT surprised by this news AT ALL!
Didn’t these scientists see the movie Dumbo?! LOLz!
Recent studies by scientists are showing significant breakthroughs in the quest to prove that elephants can feel & show empathy for one another!
According to the experts observing Asian Elephants, the animals get distressed when witnessing others in trouble and tend to mimic their behavior!
Which means elephants are added to the incredibly short list of great apes, canines, and certain birds that can show empathy and are known to reassure their animal companions!
While further studies need to be done to show definitive proof, it’s an awesome step in the right direction!
Plus, it only makes us love elephants even more!!!

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Feb 19, 2014 08:58am PDT

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