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Emma Watson Proves She's The Smartest Witch Of Her Age With This Incredibly Moving Speech On Feminism & Gender Inequality!

One million, billion points for Gryffindor, Hermoine Granger.
Jokes aside, this is quite possibly the best thing Emma Watson has ever done — and she’s done A LOT of brilliant things.
The Harry Potter star gave an inspiring and flawless speech on Feminism and gender inequality at the launch of her HeForShe campaign at the United Nations.
Among many points that should resonate with both men and woman, Emma makes a clear and concise argument that Feminism is not a dirty word and that the fight to end gender inequality is something both men and women need in their lives.
If you watch one thing all day, it should be her speech because everything she says in it is incredible important.
Ch-ch-check out the incredible video (above) and if you want, you can read her entire speech HERE.

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Sep 22, 2014 10:11am PDT

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