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Blimey! Is Hermione Dating Draco Malfoy?!?

Emma Watson Tom Felton Dating Rumors Harry Potter Hermione Draco Malfoy

Well, this is a relationship rumor we never expected, but here it is again.

Most Harry Potter fans knew Hermione Granger would end up with Ron Weasley, but there was a contingent who thought she and Harry should have dated.

And then there were the Dramione shippers. For real. People who thought the heroic and brilliant Hermione Grander should have gotten together with the horrid, sniveling, self-important racist Draco Malfoy.

We shudder at the thought of those readers’ dating choices…

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But in real life, quite a lot of fans are convinced this is really happening. No, not some nonsense J.K. Rowling add-on like the wizard poop thing (don’t look it up if you don’t want Hogwarts ruined for you forever).

We’re talking about Emma Watson and Tom Felton, the child stars from the international hit franchise, who have given many onlookers the distinct impression they are in fact dating!

On Monday, Tom (who is 31 years old now, in case you wanted to feel absolutely ANCIENT all of a sudden!) shared a photo on his Instagram feed of the two just casually hanging out — possibly wearing pajamas? –in South Africa.

Emma Watson Tom Felton Instagram
What kind of Hogwarts inter-house coed sleepover is going on here? And doesn’t it look like Tom just stepped out of the shower? / (c) Tom Felton/Instagram

Tom wrote in the caption:

“Quick learner x”

While he was referring to her guitar playing skills, he seemed to sign it with a kiss?

What is going on here??

Some commenters went wild with speculation at the pic, writing on the post:

“Just so you know, the little fangirl part in me just hyperventilated thanks to you guys”

“My dramione wishes has been granted”



“My 12 years old dramione shipper self entered the chat”

You get the gist. There was a LOT.

So what’s really going on?

According to ET, they got official word from the couple — that they are in fact, NOT a couple. The outlet reports the two are simply very good friends and in no way dating.

In fact, there’s plenty of evidence they might be the closest of all the Potter alumni:

And note the caption on this one:

Tom took the pic, so it’s HIM she’s looking at in that oh-so-magical way!

Huh. Now we’re wondering why Hermione and Draco AREN’T dating! And this last fun fact might have you wondering the same thing…

Emma herself was one of those Dramione shippers!!!

During a 2012 interview on The Jonathan Ross Show, she revealed:

“Between the ages of 10 and 12 I had a really terrible crush on Tom Felton. We love a bad guy, and he was a few years older and he had a skateboard and that just did it really… He used to do tricks on it. He was so cool.”

But it never happened because Tom didn’t like her like that!

“He totally knew. And the thing is, he’d turn and go, ‘Oh, I see her in a younger sisterly way.’ And it just broke my heart, still does.”


Were YOU one of those bad boy loving Draco fans like Emma??

[Image via C.Smith/Mario Mitsis/WENN/Emma Watson/Instagram.]

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Aug 20, 2019 06:01am PDT