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Baby Blabber

Expectant Fathers' Mental Health Can Affect Their Child's Behavior

We all knew that pregnant women should stay as calm and peaceful as possible during a pregnancy, but recent studies show that the baby’s father should also chill the heck out!
The findings reveal that expectant dads’ mental health can easily alter their kid’s behavior if they suffer from depression, distress or anxiety at week 17 or 18 during a pregnancy.
Associate professor of psychology at Old Dominion University, James Paulson said:

“Researchers have learned that paternal postpartum depression presents many of the same risks to developing children that are well-documented in maternal postpartum depression. [The new study] found that depression in fathers during pregnancy poses risks that are similar to postpartum depression ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ a finding that mirrors what we know about depression in pregnancy for mothers, but which hasn’t previously been documented in fathers. For parents and physicians, the message should be clear. We need to be aware of depression (in) both parents from the time a pregnancy is realized. This study suggests that physicians should screen for depression early and often, and make the appropriate referral as soon as it’s detected.”

However, the good news is that only 3% of the dads that participated in the study had HIGH levels of mental health problems.
So at the end of the day, we shouldn’t worry about this too much because NOT every baybay that has a sad daddy is gonna act out! LOLz

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Jan 11, 2013 09:30am PDT