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Firefly Actor Adam Baldwin Thinks Same-Sex Marriage Will Lead To Incest?! Eye Roll! See His Anti-Gay Tweets HERE!

adam baldwin gay marriage doodle
Sorry, Firefly fans! A cast member of your beloved show made some majorly offensive statements this week!
Adam Baldwin, who played Jayne Cobb on the former cult favorite TV series sounded off AGAINST gay marriage on Twitter!
According to him, legalizing same-sex marriage could lead to instances of incest in order for families to get tax breaks.
Ch-ch-check out his online rant:

Baldwin also tweeted a link to an article arguing that parent-child marriages would be right around the corner if gay marriages became legal.
K, real quick, since we don’t feel like wasting our breath on such a silly nonissue.
First off…um, no.
No, fathers will not start marrying their sons in order to avoid paying their taxes.
Do you know how we know that that won’t happen? Because show us all of these fathers and daughters and mothers and sons getting married so they can cheat the system??
Second, let’s just say that was going to be an issue. Let’s pretend if gay marriage were legal coast to coast, we’d just have all of these fathers and sons getting hitched 24/7. You’re saying that because a select few people would attempt to break the law, that’s enough reason to strip the rights away from individuals who abide by the law?
You’re on the wrong team, Mr. Baldwin. If you want to stand for injustice and publicly offended countless numbers of your fans, than that’s YOUR right.
Tweet all you want, but the majority of parents in this country don’t want to marry their children, they want their children to marry the person they love!
[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 24, 2014 14:19pm PDT

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