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Fran Drescher Talks Doctor Visits

Fran 2
Unfortunately it seems like Doctors are always over-booking and rushing you in and out of the office. Sometimes that can be overwhelming, so it’s no surprise that someone decided to ask our incredible FitPerez health contributor Fran Drescher just how to make that time worth it!
The question:

I always feel super rushed when I visit my doctor. How can I make sure I make the most use out of our short time together?

Here’s Fran’s response:

We only get a few minutes with our doctors, so we have to make every second count. Here are a few tips:
1. When making your appointment, request any forms that you can fill out prior to your visit to avoid wasting appointment time.
2. Prepare a list of questions you and your loved ones want your doctor to answer. It’s had to remember everything when you feel like you’re racing against the clock.
3. Bring someone with you! Choose someone who’s going to be strong, confident, and in control of the situation. This person can take notes for you and ask your doctor how to spell unfamiliar words and medical terms so that you can do your own research later.
4. Along with your list of questions, bring little notes for yourself so you don’t omit any symptoms that could help your doctor give you the correct diagnosis.
5. Remember, you are not just a patient; you are a medical consumer and entitled to receive your doctor’s full and undivided attention. Make sure you discuss all your options and don’t allow yourself to feel rushed.

For more answers to any health questions on your mind, tweet @frandrescher #askfranforfitperez and help fight cancer by checking out her website!
Thanks, Fran!

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Nov 01, 2011 14:30pm PDT

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