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Frank Ocean Was A Wise Man And Released His Song For The Django Unchained Soundtrack! Listen HERE!

It may not have made it into the finished product, but thankfully, Frank Ocean‘s contribution to the Django Unchained soundtrack is instead an early Christmas present for us all!
The supremely talented R&B crooner recorded the absolutely STUNNING ballad Wise Man for Quentin Tarantino‘s latest cinematic effort, but sadly, the iconic director simply could NOT find the right place to fit into the upcoming western…and it ended up on the cutting room floor!
He explains:

“Frank Ocean wrote a fantastic ballad that was truly lovely and poetic in every way, there just wasn’t a scene for it. I could have thrown it in quickly just to have it, but that’s not why he wrote it and not his intention. So I didn’t want to cheapen his effort. But, the song is fantastic, and when Frank decides to unleash it on the public, they’ll realize it then.”

And luckily, we now all know that for ourselves, as Frank released the track via his Tumblr today with the caption “django was ill without it.”
Give it a listen (above)!
SO RAD, right?!
Hard to believe something so beautiful didn’t have a place in which it worked in the context of the film!
But regardless, we’re just glad we’ve been lucky enough to have it released on its own!
Happy holidays, Frank! Thanks for the lovely gift!

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Dec 24, 2012 20:45pm PDT