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John Stamos Cried After Watching The First Promo For Fuller House!

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How rude cute!
There’s just over one day until Fuller House fills our homes with all of the ’90s nostalgia we could ask for… and it seems like the wait is officially getting to the cast.
Even though John Stamos has remained a household name ever since making it big on Full House, apparently seeing the Tanner living room on camera for the first time in 20 years was too much for him to handle!
Video: How Does The Fuller House Cast Netflix & Chill?
The Grandfathered actor recently invited People to tour their new and improved Netflix set, where he admitted that watching the promo with Comet, Jr. made him cry, saying:

“This is so stupid, but [I cried] when I saw the first promo for Fuller House. Even shooting it, I never got too emotional. When they released it, I woke up and watched it in my bed with my dog just bawling my head off.”

A man in touch with his emotions??
We know we’re gonna be experiencing all the feelings right there with Uncle Jesse once Fuller House premieres Friday, February 26 at 3 a.m. EST on Netflix!
[Image via John Stamos/Instagram.]

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Feb 24, 2016 11:54am PDT