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ICYMI: George Lucas Called Disney 'White Slavers' After Seeing Star Wars: The Force Awakens!

Dayum, George!
When he first saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens, George Lucas‘ official statement was that he thought the fans would like it. While that didn’t exactly sound like he himself was enthused, it wasn’t out-and-out shade.
But THIS on the other hand…
In an interview with Charlie Rose that originally aired Christmas Day (hence it going under the radar), the director laments selling his creation to Disney.
Related: Hayden Christensen Quit Acting Because Of The Star Wars Prequels
He seems very upset that the Mouse House — after paying him over $4 billion for the franchise rights — chose not to use his ideas for the next films.
George even jokes that he sold his “children” to “white slavers.” He must HATE The Force Awakens, which he refers to as “retro.”
What do YOU think??

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Dec 31, 2015 13:24pm PDT

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