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Burglary Suspect Turns Out To Be 19-Foot Python


In northeastern Australia, police were dumbfounded by a crazy crime scene at a Queensland charity store.

There was a large hole in the ceiling and a stinky pool of vomit-like liquid on the floor.

The investigators thought a person had gone on a rampage in the store, saying:

“We thought a person had fallen through the ceiling because the roof panel was cut in half. When they’ve hit the floor, they’ve vomited and then staggered and fallen over. That’s what we thought anyway.”

Turns out it was a 19-foot-long python!

The giant snake fell through the ceiling, knocked over dishes, clothing and more, then “relieved itself” on the floor.

It was able to hide for a full day before officials spotted it.

A local snake catcher was eventually called in and the snake was relocated to nearby wetlands.

So glad that no one was hurt and the snake was sent back home!

[Image via Wikimedia Commons.]

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Jul 10, 2013 14:02pm PDT