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Greedy Or A Coincidence? Michael Moore Could Receive Tax Credit!


Is documentarian Michael Moore a hypocrite?

Although Moore has slammed state tax credits in the past, 2009’s Capitalism: A Love Story is qualified to receive a tax credit from the state of Michigan!

A “production person” applied for a credit from the Michigan Film Office, although Moore claims he was “under pressure from the studio” to apply for the refund.

Even so, The Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a “nonprofit, nonpartisan research and educational institute focusing on issues in Michigan”, feels pretty strongly about Moore’s decision to accept the credit.

“While we don’t blame Mr. Moore and his production team for taking what is offered, it’s striking that a movie focused on the inequities of granting taxpayer dollars to private enterprise would apply for and receive taxpayer-funded incentives,” said Michael LaFaive of the Mackinac Center.


[Image via WENN.]

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Jan 31, 2010 13:00pm PDT

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