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Guinness' Baby Body Builder!

Can this even be healthy?!
After appearing on an Italian TV show, 5-year old Giuliano Stroe was entered in the Guinness Book of Records for the fastest 10 meter hand walk with a weight ball between his legs.
But, the real insanity is his training regiment. The preschooler with a six pack has been training since the age of two!
“He has been going to the gym with me ever since he was born. I always took him with me when I went training,” said his father – adding that what his son is doing is safe. “I have been training hard all my life myself. He is never allowed to practice on his own, he is only a child and if he gets tired we go and play.”
Uh, we’re skeptical! What sorta kid has that kind of patience and self discipline? Could it be one whose father gives him a little push?!
CLICK HERE to watch Giuliano in action!

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Oct 27, 2009 11:30am PDT

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