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Elementary Student Accidentally Got Her Classmates High After Sharing Her Grandpa's Marijuana Gummies

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What a waste of grandpa’s special candy…
A group of New Mexico elementary school students became sick and “giggly” after one fifth grader accidentally shared a box of medical marijuana edibles in class!
Earlier this month, the 9-year-old girl took what looked like your average gummy candies to school, but they turned out to be edibles laced with THC — which is, for you straight edge readers, one of the psychoactive chemicals found in weed.
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Officials at the Albuquerque School of Excellence discovered the mix up after the student went to the school nurse complaining of dizziness.
Kristi Del Curto, the school’s dean of elementary students, told the Albuquerque Journal that faculty members took the package in question out of the trash and, “as soon as we looked at it, we said, ├óΓé¼╦£Nope, that is not candy.'”
The edibles reportedly belonged to the student’s grandfather. Neither the dealer nor the four other students who ate the gummies had lasting symptoms — aside from a few students getting “giggly.”
After the sugar high epidemic, school officials shared a Facebook post reminding parents to be more “alert with drugs and any edibles” that kids might mistake for, say, a schooltime snack.
That means finding a better hiding spot for your psychoactive treats, gramps.
[Image via Haribo/YouTube.]

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Jan 24, 2018 02:43am PDT