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Justin Bieber

Bieber Fan Bullied - Why Can't We Accept Each Others Differences?

He can’t help catching the fever!
This 15-year-old high school sophomore is sick of being bullied for liking Justin Bieber.
He says there is nothing wrong with a guy liking Justin Bieber and we totally agree.
He wants the world to know he’s not gay and not backing down just because people say it’s “not cool” or makes him seem gay.
We think he is completely admirable for sticking to his guns. People should be able to like what they like without worrying about what everyone else thinks!
The fan asks “Justin wants to reach out to everyone why doesn’t he do anything for his guy fans?”
We just hope his guy didn’t fabricate the bullying to get a chance to meet his idol.

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Feb 09, 2011 20:40pm PDT

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