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Hilaria Baldwin Accused Of 'Decade-Long Grift Where She Impersonates A Spanish Person' -- And She Responds!

Hilaria Baldwin is accused of faking her Spanish background and accent! And she responds!

This. Story. Is. WILD!!!

Alec Baldwin‘s wife Hilaria Baldwin is being dragged online right now by Twitter users who are accusing her of completely faking her supposed Spanish upbringing and heritage. And these accusers have a LOT of evidence on their side…

Related: Amy Schumer Apologizes After Hilaria Joke Spirals Into ‘Body Shaming’

In the past, there had been some online chatter about the 36-year-old woman allegedly lying (or, at the very least, bending the truth) about her supposed birth and upbringing in Mallorca, Spain. But for whatever reason it finally blew up this week, and it’s truly a s**t show!

Things all began innocently enough last Monday, when one tweeter (below) dropped a bomb that has since made its way around the world about a million times:

That’s a curious tweet, for sure, but, uhhh, can you prove it?!

Oh, umm… yes. The answer is yes. They absolutely CAN! LOLz!

Here are just a few of the pieces of evidence they included in a stunning thread showing how “Hilaria” was actually born as Hillary Hayward-Thomas, and raised in Boston, Massachusetts by meticulously-documented American parents who had ancestors that have lived in America for literally generations:


But why would somebody even do something like this?! Just to pretend to be interesting or something?? And what’s up with the allegedly faked accent, anyways?! Girl…

Hilaria, er, Hillary Responds…

On Sunday, the Living Clearly Method author took to her own Instagram page to respond to the viral allegations — both from the user (above) as well as others who had popped up online over the past week, including apparent past classmates at notable Boston schools and New York University.

In the nearly eight-minute-long video, the former yoga instructor tried to explain away the inconsistencies in her background, saying at one point (below):

“I’ve seen chatter online questioning my identity and culture. This is something I take very seriously, and for those who are asking — I’ll reiterate my story, as I’ve done many times before. I was born in Boston and grew up spending time with my family between Massachusetts and Spain. My parents and sibling live in Spain and I chose to live here, in the USA.”

Hmmm… That’s obviously very vague — but perhaps necessary so she can fit her story in to the new post-accusation mold and still come out saving face. Ya know?!

She went on to say more, too, adding:

“I’ve tried in the past to be clear, but people don’t always report and say what you say. In this country I would use the name Hillary. In Spain, I would use the name Hilaria. I identify more as Hilaria because that’s what my family calls me. Yes, I am a white girl … Europe has a lot of white people in there. My family is white. Ethnically, I am a mix of many many many things. Culturally, I grew up with two cultures. So it’s really as simple as that.”

Uhhh… but you’re a Boston girl, born and raised?! And ethnically, are you even from Spain? Way to skirt around that.

Thankfully, near the end of the video, she finally admits she is a Bostonian, but still mucks it up with generalizations trying to fit her story! She concluded:

“I’m a different kind of Bostonian, but that’s who I am, and you kind of can’t change your background. Nor would I want to. I’m really, really proud of who I am, and all my different experiences. For all of those of you who are confused about where I’m from, and why I speak two languages, I grew up speaking two languages. And again, my family lives in Spain. You just want to be open about it, and that’s what I’m trying to do here. I’m learning what makes me unique is also a value to myself. This is who I am and my life story. It may not fit into your cookie cutter and it might not fit into a label, but it’s a weird mix of who I am.”

Goodness gracious… that’s 100 words saying absolutely nothing.

If you came into this with absolutely no context, you’d think, “hey, this all sounds fine and normal,” while also under the impression her parents and brother live in Spain because of their roots… rather than them simply spending their retirement in the European nation.

Girl, you got caught changing your background and at times in your life claiming you were born in Spain. So what’s this “you kind of can’t change your background” stuff?!

You can watch the full video (below):

Just unreal!

What else is 2020 gonna throw at us at this point?!

Alec Chimes In!

As if we hadn’t collectively been punished enough yet at this point, Alec and Ireland Baldwin have now both chimed in with a show of support for the former yoga teacher.

Alec produced his own eight-and-a-half minute long video about the ordeal, and posted it to Instagram on Sunday afternoon. In it, he rambled on about Pizzagate, Jeffrey Epstein, and the wasteland that Twitter can be sometimes (agreed!). While he didn’t directly come at his wife’s situation, it was clearly near the thrust of his argument about sources.

In the video, he said:

“We live in a world now where we’re hidden behind the anonymity of social media. People feel that they can say anything. … They probably would like to do anything if they weren’t at risk of getting caught and going to prison. Because they can’t do that, because that involves real commitment to do something, to express those feelings, they say things, no profile picture very often, sometimes yes, no identifying features there, hidden behind the anonymity of social media, they want to just shoot it all over you and spray it all over you, their venom and their hate. … You have to consider the source. There’s things that have been said lately about people that I love, that I care about deeply, which are ridiculous.”

Hmmm… he’s not wrong about the trouble with anonymous accusations!!

But what about all the tangible evidence about his wife’s birthplace, parental lineage, upbringing, and all those undeniable videos with bizarre accent shifts??

Regardless, here is the 62-year-old actor’s full video:

And Alec’s daughter Ireland — whom he shares with ex-wife Kim Basinger — also stepped forward in Hilaria’s defense, as well. In a series of IG Stories, the 25-year-old called her stepmom’s critics “sad and pathetic,” and praised Hilaria for her role as a step mother.

Ireland shared, in part:

“She is a good person. She’s a caring person who has always respected my relationship with my dad and I have a great relationship with her. … Hilaria is a wonderful mother who takes great care of her kids and she takes great care of my dad and that’s really all that matters to me. I wish people had the chance to know you and know your story the way that I do rather than from a fabricated nine hour long Instagram story. I think you are an incredible mom and an inspiration. I know what it’s like to have a really awful piece of s**t woman in your place trying to be my stepmom, and I thank God often that the stars aligned and I wound up with a stepmom like you.”

OK then!

What a story!!!

BTW, if you want to see an AH-MAZING rundown of this whole fiasco and watch Hilaria get caught in every single lie, click HERE to watch Tracie Morrissey‘s damning IG Stories rundown of the whole affair on video. (That link appears to be the “fabricated nine hour long Instagram story” Ireland mentioned in her quote.)

Just… WOW!!!

Reactions, Perezcious readers?! What say U about all this craziness??

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[Image via WENN/Instar]

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Dec 28, 2020 08:18am PDT