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Hugh Jackman Has A Cancer Scare! Get The Deets HERE!

hugh jackman has cancer scare warns fans on instagram
Yikes! Talk about a scary situation!!
When Hugh Jackman isn’t busy being a world famous actor or riding around on a scooter with his kiddies, he’s usually posting fun pictures to his Instagram account!
But things took a scary turn earlier today when he shared a photo of himself after a scary visit to the doctor’s office! He explained the reason for the trip, writing:

“[Deborra-Lee Furness] said to get the mark on my nose checked. Boy, was she right! I had a basil cell carcinoma. Please don’t be foolish like me. Get yourself checked. And USE sunscreen!!!”

For those of you who don’t have a medical dictionary handy, basil-cell carcinoma is a very common form of skin cancer that develops in areas that are exposed to the sun and usually don’t spread. However, if it goes untreated it can cause major damage to surrounding tissue.
Luckily, Hugh took his wifey’s advice and it looks like he got the proper treatment in time!
Thank goodness!!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Nov 21, 2013 16:43pm PDT

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