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Twitter Users Speak Out On Hunter Biden's Text Message Scandal

Text messages reveal Joe Biden writing the N-word multiple times to his lawyer! WTF?!

What the f**k were you thinking, Hunter Biden?!

President Joe Biden‘s son is under fire right now for very good reason after a damning report was published Tuesday afternoon that revealed racist, bigoted language in alleged text messages to his white lawyer.

This comes just days after the Commander in Chief gave a stirring speech decrying racism and bigotry on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre, loudly and patriotically proclaiming that racial justice would be a focal point of his administration.

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The racist text messages were first revealed by, and show the President’s son allegedly joking to corporate attorney George Mesires in a series of January 2019 messages.

In some, jokes are sent about his “big penis” repeatedly which, while not bigoted or racist, is certainly an interesting way to talk to your lawyer…

But the s**t hits the fan in other messages, where the former Delaware senator’s son uses foul, racist language.

In one text to Mesires, who again is white, it’s written:

“I only love you because you’re black.”

Hunter then allegedly sends another message reading:

“True dat n***a.”

And in another text to the Chicago lawyer:

“How much money do I owe you. Becaause [sic] n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.”

Jeez, man. WTF?!

As you might expect, the Twitter world is going crazy over this big reveal — as they should.

Here are a few of the most notable reactions out there floating around on Twitter right now (below):


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And here are a few more reactions from other Twitter users (below):

“Republicans literally passing laws to stop black people from voting and I’m supposed to give a s**t about Hunter Biden? Please…”

“The people who proudly display confederate flags in their front yard are suddenly concerned about Hunter Biden’s racism.”

“Not surprised by Hunter Biden saying the N word multiple times in writing… the man smoked parmesan cheese.”

“The people who referred to working adult White House aides as ‘Trump’s children’ and claimed they should be off limits are now attacking Hunter Biden, who is *not* a WH aide.”

“Matt Gaetz is a Republican member of Congress who sits on the Judiciary Committee and oversees the Department of Justice while being investigated by the Department of Justice for child sex trafficking and obstruction of justice, but Hunter Biden is the problem? Sure.”

“Hunter biden will never be editor of teen vogue now”

“Hunter Biden has no impact on our life, good or bad. In contrast, Jared Kushner literally tried to kill us.”

“Am I the only person who doesn’t give a s**t about Hunter Biden?”


And who could forget this:

So, basically, here’s the deal: Donald Trump‘s overt, aggressive bigotry and racism was completely unacceptable… and SO IS the clear racism in these text messages! Both things are true, and we’re glad Hunter isn’t in office or working as an aide for the administration.

What do U make of this scandal, Perezcious readers? Sound OFF with your take down in the comments (below)…

[Image via CBS Sunday Morning/YouTube/WENN/Avalon]

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Jun 08, 2021 17:42pm PDT