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Brad Pitt

Is She Talking About Brad?


We would hope she’d be over him by now, but she could mean her ex-husband Brad Pitt!

Jennifer Aniston was asked if she would get back together with an ex to which she replied:

“Absolutely. When you dated before maybe you were at a time in your life when you’re not ready and not mature enough to make a big commitment. But people change and you learn to accept the good and the bad.”

Maybe not Brad — he obviously made a commitment if they got married! We hope she’s not referring to douchey John Mayer!

And she still seems settled on NOT dating Gerard Butler saying of the actor:

“Gerry is lovely, he’s a real nice guy. But it seems I get linked to all my co-stars. There seems to be a formula – if you make a movie together, then you must be dating in real life. I don’t know who starts those rumours but I’m learning to ignore them.”

Well attention all exes of Maniston — sounds like she’s ready to rekindle if you are!

[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 13, 2010 17:00pm PDT