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Jamie Spears Is Asking Britney To Pay His Legal Fees Even Though Conservatorship Is Terminated! WTF?!

britney spears, jamie spears : jamie spears wants britney to pay legal fees even after conservatorship terminated

Jamie Spears is STILL trying to weasel money out of his daughter?!

You’d think the fact that he was suspended from the conservatorship, which was terminated soon after, would keep Jamie out of Britney Spears’ business. But no, even after she’s made it totally clear she wants nothing to do with him, her dad is still trying to mooch off of her money.

Related: Jamie Borrowed $40K Days Before Petitioning To Put Britney In Conservatorship

Variety reported the Spears patriarch filed a petition last week seeking the court’s “confirmation, authorization and direction” for the popstar to pay HIS lawyers for “participating in proceedings concerning Jamie’s ongoing fiduciary duties relating to winding up” the conservatorship. The filing read:

“Prompt payment on account of Jamie’s attorneys’ fees is necessary to ensure the Conservatorship can be wound up quickly and efficiently to allow Britney to take control of her life as she and Jamie desire.”

Right, after years of fighting in court to keep her under his thumb, he suddenly “desires” her to have control of her life… to the tune of his $1,200 per hour legal fees, as Variety noted. The docs went on to point out that his role as conservator was “certified and approved” by the court, and once again praised his own involvement in a near-inescapable legal situation for more than a decade. The filing stated:

“Jamie stepped up to protect his daughter in 2008 and stepped into the role of Co-Conservator when Britney was unquestionably incapacitated and victimized by persons seeking to take advantage of her incapacity. … [He] dedicated himself to protecting his daughter’s health and her estate as he has done her whole life while keeping opportunistic and wholly self-interested parties at bay.”

As for the fact that the conservatorship NO LONGER EXISTS — and therefore, any reasonable person would assume he’s off the payroll — the 69-year-old claimed:

“The fiduciary obligations Jamie owes did not end with his suspension or with the order terminating the Conservatorship. Payment of Jamie’s attorneys’ fees from the Estate is required regardless of the unsupported ad hominem vitriol lodged at him.”

The filing continued:

“It would be contrary to public policy if Jamie’s years of dedication to protect his daughter…could subject him to personal bankruptcy and ruin defending baseless claims. No person would ever want to step into the role as conservator if a conservatee could force a conservator to personally pay substantial legal fees defending unfounded allegations.”

Okay, so now Jamie’s leveling threats at the entire legal system to get his way? And mentioning “defending baseless claims” — is he going to try to get Brit to pay for his lawyers if she takes him to court?

Related: Britney Reveals Jamie ‘Forced’ Her To Do Emotional Diane Sawyer Interview

Luckily, the Stronger singer has Mathew Rosengart on her side. The attorney hit back at Jamie’s request with a fiery statement, saying:

“Mr. Spears reaped many millions of dollars from Britney as a conservator, while paying his lawyers millions more, all from Britney’s work and hard earned money. The conservatorship has been terminated and Mr. Spears was suspended ignominiously. Under the circumstances, his petition is not only legally meritless, it is an abomination. Britney poignantly testified about the pain her father caused her and this only adds to it. This is not what a father who loves his daughter does.”

Phew! Tell ’em!

Sounds to us like Jamie needs to get a real job to pay his own bills. Most of us don’t have a multi-millionaire daughter to leech off of while she’s at her most vulnerable. Welcome to the real world, Dad!

[Image via Britney Spears/Instagram & WENN]

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Dec 21, 2021 09:40am PDT