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Jennifer Lawrence Identifies With Katniss Everdeen's Celebrity Problems!

hungergames katniss

The bright lights, the applause of a deafening crowd, all eyes expecting you to trip and fall in one tragic misstep…

These are some of the fears of Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games, as well as Jennifer Lawrence!

Jennifer Lawrence may never get the experience of being thrown into an arena where kids hunt other kids (hopefully), but according to her, she and her projectile-shooting character have some things in common:

“It’s hard to say you identify with someone who’s facing life and death and war…But there is the connection in that she doesn’t feel like just part of the town anymore. Now everyone treats her as a celebrity…Whereas she still feels like she’s part of them. I get that a lot. I’ll go to get a coffee where I always get coffee and all of a sudden there’s this weird mood, and I’m like, ‘Come on, I still get coffee here, just say hello’.”

Come on everyone, Jennifer is just like the rest of us, except for the whole winning an Oscar at the age of 22! No need to go Effie Trinket on her every time you see her in public!

Well, we happen to think that JLaw is super human, regardless. Hmm perhaps she really is a genetically enhanced mutant just like Mystique!

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Sep 25, 2013 08:08am PDT