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Jesse Eisenberg Talks Pussies (And Gets Embarrassed)

Jesse Talks Pussy

A pet can be a lot of things for their human counterparts; a friend, a cuddlier, a protector, etc…

But Social Network star Jesse Eisenberg‘s gets something unusual from his pets.

The Actor said:

“I’m a foster parent for cats and the more movies I do, the more guilty I feel ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ and the more cats I feel the need to get to alleviate the guilt from doing the movies. And then if a movie is, god forbid, popular … then I have to get even more cats.”

How many cats does it take to clear and oscar nom’s conscious? Jesse says the number of furry friends in his house is always changing. He said “Seriously, it depends on the day.”

At the permire to his new flick Rio Jesse told People:

“[I have] 42 cats. They’re at the premiere. We got them seats.”

Not only does Eisenberg provide food and shelter for numerous cats, he acts as a gatekeeper for their reputations as well.

“They don’t like to be talked about in the press,” he said, ending the interview. “They get embarrassed.”

[Image via WENN.]

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Apr 13, 2011 15:00pm PDT

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