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Jillian Michaels Loves Giving Piggy-Back Rides To The Farmer's Market!

Jillian Michaels Loves Giving Piggy-Back Rides To The Farmer's Market!

jillian michaels piggy back farmers market family time

We are in love with Jillian Michaels and her ADORBS little family!

Not only are they constantly together doing cute things, but they’re always smiling and on the move to do something healthy!

It wasn’t long ago that we saw Jillian giving a piggy-back ride to Lukensia as they headed to the farmer’s market in Malibu, but now she’s giving one to her OTHER cutie, Phoenix!

Life is like an amazeballz dream for her and Heidi Rhoades!

So sweet! Almost TOO sweet! Ha!

[Image via Borisio/Pacific Coast News.]

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Sep 18, 2013 15:01pm PDT

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