Johnny Depp wants to let it be known that he’s REALLY pissed about people facing consequences for their actions cancel culture!
The 58-year-old Kentucky-born film star spoke out about it this week during an event at the San Sebastian Film Festival. He was there receiving the honorary Donostia Award, but instead of just being humble and gracious for the award, he somehow got on the topic of cancel culture during a press conference chat with the media.
Related: Johnny Depp Slams Supposed Hollywood ‘Boycott’ Against Him, Calls Actions ‘Absurd’
Lashing out and claiming “no one is safe” from the “injustice” of being canceled, Depp lamented the “instant rush to judgment” that seems to be everywhere nowadays, saying:
“It can be seen as an event in history that lasted for however long it lasted, this cancel culture, this instant rush to judgement based on what essentially amounts to polluted air. It’s so far out of hand now that I can promise you that no one is safe. Not one of you. No one out that door. No one is safe.”
And he went on:
“It takes one sentence and there’s no more ground, the carpet has been pulled. It’s not just me that this has happened to, it’s happened to a lot of people. This type of thing has happened to women, men. Sadly at a certain point they begin to think that it’s normal. Or that it’s them. When it’s not.”
Whew. So there’s a LOT to take in there, right?
Obviously the Pirates of the Caribbean star’s “cancelation” isn’t like most stories. He didn’t say something ignorant; people didn’t find old off-color tweets. No, this was because of the accusations of domestic violence made by his ex-wife Amber Heard. Whether or not you believe the allegations, it’s not exactly an example of “cancel culture.”
Nor was it a rush to judgment. The man was still getting work in major Hollywood vehicles up until losing his high-profile libel case against The Sun. That’s when he was fired from the Harry Potter spinoff Fantastic Beasts.
Related: Depp Scores Big Legal Win Against Amber Heard Over Promised Divorce Settlement Donation
There have been many fans who have stuck by Johnny, and not without cause. During his legal battles, evidence came out showing Amber admitting to having abused him — even taunting him about it. So it makes sense he would consider his own public excommunication to be a grave injustice. However, he applied that same logic to other celebs being canceled, saying:
“It doesn’t matter if a judgement, per se, has taken some artistic license. When there’s an injustice, whether it’s against you or someone you love, or someone you believe in — stand up, don’t sit down. ‘Cause they need you.”
As you might expect, Twitter users didn’t shy away from giving their thoughts on the controversy.
Here are a few notable responses to Depp’s declaration, both against and in agreement:
“Good? No one should be safe from the consequences of their actions.”
“The irony of this is some of y’all will take what he said out of context and get pressed and do exactly what he was talking about”
“Cancel Culture, a rightwing word for holy s**t we’ve been caught, we need to downplay everything and point fingers at those who caught us”
“No one is safe from false accusations. Never has been. ‘Cancel culture’ isn’t the point. Social media has created much bigger problems than causing rich celebrities to have to learn to budget themselves when the offers dry up.”
“I get why he would say that, but 9 times out of 10 ‘cancel culture’ is only going after people who deserve it. I think he’s accidentally associating himself with them.”
“the face of Dior says what about being cancelled?”
“He is right! It’s shameful what is happening now. The media actively and zealously participates in this shame, fulfilling their thirty pieces of silver, and fanning the fires of the Inquisition. This applies to many people.”
“Bro is famous for playing a pirate. Please man”
“He is absolutely, 100% RIGHT, and he should f**king say it!”
Wow! Quite the debate, isn’t it?
Something tells us we’ll continue to debate this for a long time to come, too…
Now, Depp did actually talk about filmmaking during his 42-minute conference. When asked about the state of the film industry in 2021, the Oscar nominee opined:
“Hollywood is certainly not what it was. The studio system, the grudge matches, the pandemonium and chaos of cinematic releases to streaming… it is a case of, ‘no matter what, I’m going to get mine’. That’s where these people are coming from. They realize they’re just as disposable as I am. Some more so. Large, large corporations take control of these things. As someone who takes part in the creation of cinema, how much more formula do we need from the likes of studios? How much more condescension do we need as audiences? I think that Hollywood has grotesquely underestimated the audience.”
Can’t argue with that one…
Anyways, here is Depp’s full press conference from Wednesday afternoon at the San Sebastian Film Festival, with his cancel culture comments and a whole lot more:
Sooo you tell us: is Captain Jack Sparrow right, Perezcious readers? Is cancel culture a real problem?! Or is it just a bad faith boogeyman argument from people mad about getting caught for doing bad stuff and facing the consequences??
Where do U stand on the great cancel culture debate??
Sound OFF with your thoughts on everything here down in the comments (below)…
[Image via San Sebastian Film Festival/YouTube]