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Does JoJo Siwa Have A Boyfriend?!

JoJo Siwa may have a new boyfriend after pictures of a hunky young stud pop up on her Instagram feed!

Does JoJo Siwa have a new man in her life, or what?!

The 16-year-old YouTube sensation and singin’ star has apparently been spending a lot of time with a cute hunk recently, judging by her social media feed! And then on Sunday, Siwa really caught fans’ attention about the possible relationship by posting an adorable TikTok video of the pair dancing together…

So, who is this mystery man, anyways?!

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Well, it turns out the new man in the young YouTuber’s life is Elliott Brown, a high school senior who is headed to the University of Nebraska to play football next year. Siwa herself is from Nebraska too, of course, though her career has brought her to El Lay quite a bit lately, and it’s not quite clear how these two linked up, other than to say there’s some kind of Midwestern connection!

Brown has been featured in a few different pics to come across the singer and performer’s Instagram page of late, drawing quite a bit of fan attention, like the one (above) where JoJo captured the two of them going full-sparkle with the shoes to match! The high school football stud hasn’t been shy about sharing pics on his own feed, either, going so far as to call himself “blessed” late last week for an amazing time out in California alongside Siwa (below):

Awww! Those smiles are EVERYTHING! Loves it!!

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And late last night, JoJo’s aforementioned TikTok video alongside the blonde beau made its way to her IG feed, too:

Very cute!

Fans are weighing in, as you can expect, with dozens of comments calling the pair “cute,” and one commenting, “Yay queen so happy for you!”

Another fan stopped dead in their tracks upon seeing that first pic (up top), commenting:



Finally, one more follower took things a little too personal with it, chiming in:

“How can jojo find a boyfriend and I can’t and I’m a lot older then her this isn’t fair”

Uhhh… sounds like a personal problem! LOLz!!!

Dating or not, there’s clearly something new going on between these two judging by the last few weeks of each of their social media feeds, and we couldn’t be happier for ’em!

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Of course, JoJo is about to embark on the next leg of her Dream tour, which starts in Colorado on March 11 and runs through the beginning of June at a final stop in Arkansas. Relationship or not, it’s go-time for the viral video sensation, and whatever she’s got going on here may be put to the test!

Anyways, what do y’all think about JoJo Siwa’s potential new boyfriend, Perezcious readers?! Football player, hunky looks, good body, obviously super fun with the videos and dressing up for photos… does he seem like the right type of guy for her, or what??

[Image via Instagram]

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Mar 02, 2020 12:00pm PDT